Drafted into the Soviet Army at the start of the war, at the age of 18, Abram Gudelman bravely fought for months in the battle of Stalingrad.
The war took him all the way to Berlin and back to Moscow - member of an Artillery Battalion, he took part in the 1945 Victory Parade in Red Square.
Having earned numerous military medals and commendations, he still opted for a civilian life, first going back to his native Zhitomir and then moving to Kiev to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. Being a humble man, he has not even shared much of his military bravery or professional success with his family.
Only later in his life did they find out how many professional patents Abram has held in the USSR as well as, to their surprise, some even registered in the US Library of Congress! After emigrating to Los Angeles in 1992, he embraced his new home and in 1995, he was very proud to participate in the WWII Veterans Parade and celebration of 50th Anniversary of allied Victory.
The war took him all the way to Berlin and back to Moscow - member of an Artillery Battalion, he took part in the 1945 Victory Parade in Red Square.
Having earned numerous military medals and commendations, he still opted for a civilian life, first going back to his native Zhitomir and then moving to Kiev to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. Being a humble man, he has not even shared much of his military bravery or professional success with his family.
Only later in his life did they find out how many professional patents Abram has held in the USSR as well as, to their surprise, some even registered in the US Library of Congress! After emigrating to Los Angeles in 1992, he embraced his new home and in 1995, he was very proud to participate in the WWII Veterans Parade and celebration of 50th Anniversary of allied Victory.
Абрам (Аркадий)
Абрам Гудельман был призван в Советскую Армию в начале войны в возрасте 18-ти лет.
Участник Сталинградской битвы, проведший месяцы в боях под Сталинградом и чудом уцелевший. Награждён многими боевыми орденами и медалями.
Лично принимал участие в Параде Победы в Москве на Красной Площади летом 1945 года. Род войск-зенитная артиллерия.
После войны вернулся в родной Житомир, но вскоре поступил в Киевский Инженерно-строительный Институт и всю жизнь проработал инженером-конструктором.
Имеет завидное количество профессиональных патентов, в том числе защищённых и в США. В 1992г эмигрировал в Лос-Анжелес и в 1995-м с честью принял участие в праздновании 50-летия Великой Победы и в параде ветеранов.
Участник Сталинградской битвы, проведший месяцы в боях под Сталинградом и чудом уцелевший. Награждён многими боевыми орденами и медалями.
Лично принимал участие в Параде Победы в Москве на Красной Площади летом 1945 года. Род войск-зенитная артиллерия.
После войны вернулся в родной Житомир, но вскоре поступил в Киевский Инженерно-строительный Институт и всю жизнь проработал инженером-конструктором.
Имеет завидное количество профессиональных патентов, в том числе защищённых и в США. В 1992г эмигрировал в Лос-Анжелес и в 1995-м с честью принял участие в праздновании 50-летия Великой Победы и в параде ветеранов.