Captain Boris Zilberstein went to the front as a volunteer from the very beginning of World War II. He was the director of the plant at that time and was exempt from mandatory service but chose to go to the front.
He was in encirclement and was wounded, and after recovery returned back to duty. He was killed in battle on December 13, 1944 in Slovakia and was buried in the city of Mikhailovtsy.
He was in encirclement and was wounded, and after recovery returned back to duty. He was killed in battle on December 13, 1944 in Slovakia and was buried in the city of Mikhailovtsy.
Капитан Борис Зильберштейн пошёл на фронт добровольцем с самого начала Второй Мировой Войны. Он был директором завода и у него была бронь, но он решил пойти воевать на фронт. Он был в окружение и был ранен, и после ранения вернулся в строй. Погиб в бою 13 декабря 1944 года в Словакии и был похоронен в городе Михайловцы.