Born on May 9, 1920 in the city of Sineshty of the Ungensk District, Moldavia.
Served in the army from September 1941 until July 1946.
Brodkiy fought in the 100th rifle regiment of the 35th guard division in the 62nd (8th guard) Army on the Stalingrad Front, in the south of Ukraine (Kherson and Odessa Regions). He took part in the boosting of Dnepr between Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye, the release of Kovel while on the 1st Belorussian Front, and battles in Poland (the boosting of Vistula, south of Warsaw). He did battle on the territory of Germany in Oder River, of the Tyustrina area, and took part in the assault and the
taking of Berlin.
He was awarded an order of the second degree of the Patriotic War, orders of Glory of the first and second degree, and medals “For Victory over Germany”, “For the taking of Berlin”, and “For the liberation of Warsaw”.
Served in the army from September 1941 until July 1946.
Brodkiy fought in the 100th rifle regiment of the 35th guard division in the 62nd (8th guard) Army on the Stalingrad Front, in the south of Ukraine (Kherson and Odessa Regions). He took part in the boosting of Dnepr between Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye, the release of Kovel while on the 1st Belorussian Front, and battles in Poland (the boosting of Vistula, south of Warsaw). He did battle on the territory of Germany in Oder River, of the Tyustrina area, and took part in the assault and the
taking of Berlin.
He was awarded an order of the second degree of the Patriotic War, orders of Glory of the first and second degree, and medals “For Victory over Germany”, “For the taking of Berlin”, and “For the liberation of Warsaw”.
Родился 9 мая 1920 г. в селе Сенешты, Молдавия.
В армии с сентября 1941 г. по июль 1946 г.
Воевал на Юго-Западном, 1-м Белорусском и 3-м Украинском фронтах.
Награжден орденами Отечественной войны II степени, Славы II и III степеней; медалями «За победу над Германией», «За взятие Берлина», «За освобождение Варшавы».
В армии с сентября 1941 г. по июль 1946 г.
Воевал на Юго-Западном, 1-м Белорусском и 3-м Украинском фронтах.
Награжден орденами Отечественной войны II степени, Славы II и III степеней; медалями «За победу над Германией», «За взятие Берлина», «За освобождение Варшавы».